Hvordan Forbedre Blodsirkulasjonen Naturlig


Video: Hvordan Forbedre Blodsirkulasjonen Naturlig

Video: Hvordan Forbedre Blodsirkulasjonen Naturlig
Video: 2 Easy steps!! How to increase & boost Collagen naturally make skin youthful like korean star. 2024, Kan
Hvordan Forbedre Blodsirkulasjonen Naturlig
Hvordan Forbedre Blodsirkulasjonen Naturlig

Er hendene eller fingrene blå og / eller alltid kalde? Begynner noen deler av kroppen din å bli følelsesløs eller kriblende etter at du har sittet eller stått i lengre perioder? Dette er nøyaktig hva som skjer når blodsirkulasjonen blir forstyrret. Selv om blodstrømmen vanligvis går tilbake til normal etter noen bevegelser, kan det i noen få tilfeller føre til komplikasjoner og helseproblemer. Derfor er det viktig å ta opp dette problemet. I denne artikkelen diskuterer vi årsakene og naturlige måtene å forbedre blodsirkulasjonen. Bla nedover.


Hva er dårlig blodsirkulasjon?

Hva er årsaken til dårlig blodsirkulasjon?

Hva er tegn og symptomer på dårlig blodsirkulasjon?

Beste matvarer som øker blodsirkulasjonen i kroppen

Andre naturlige måter å øke blodsirkulasjonen i kroppen

Hva er dårlig blodsirkulasjon?

Sirkulasjonssystemet, også kjent som det kardiovaskulære systemet, er ansvarlig for transport av blod, oksygen og næringsstoffer gjennom kroppen din. Når blodtilførselen til bestemte deler av kroppen din reduseres, begynner du å oppleve symptomer på dårlig blodsirkulasjon.

Denne tilstanden er ofte et resultat av ulike helseproblemer og faktorer. Noen av de vanligste årsakene er oppført nedenfor.

Hva er årsaken til dårlig blodsirkulasjon?

  • Perifer arteriesykdom : Perifer arteriesykdom (PAD) er en sirkulasjonssykdom som får arteriene og blodårene til å bli smalere. Det kan føre til dårlig blodsirkulasjon i bena.
  • Blodpropp: Blodpropp kan blokkere blodstrømmen til forskjellige deler av kroppen din delvis eller helt. Selv om de kan utvikle seg hvor som helst i kroppen, kan blodpropp som dannes i armer og ben føre til dårlige sirkulasjonsproblemer.
  • Åreknuter: Når venene blir store som følge av ventilsvikt, resulterer det i åreknuter. De skadede venene kan ikke transportere blod så effektivt som de normale, noe som fører til dårlig blodsirkulasjon.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes kan også føre til dårlig blodsirkulasjon i visse områder av kroppen din. Dette skyldes vanligvis diabetisk nevropati.
  • Fedme: De som er overvektige eller overvektige kan også møte dårlige sirkulasjonsproblemer når de står eller sitter i lange timer.

Følgende er noen vanlige symptomer assosiert med tilstanden.

Hva er tegn og symptomer på dårlig blodsirkulasjon?

  • En kriblende følelse
  • Nummenhet
  • En bankende eller sviende smerte, spesielt i lemmer
  • Muskel kramper

Hvis du opplever en uvanlig følelse som peker mot dårlig blodsirkulasjon, kan du forbedre tilstanden din på naturlige måter. Vi har satt sammen noen av de beste matvarene og andre naturlige måter som kan bidra til å forbedre blodsirkulasjonen i kroppen din.

Beste matvarer som øker blodsirkulasjonen i kroppen

  1. Bjørnebær
  2. Nøtter
  3. Hvitløk
  4. Kajennepepper
  5. Ginkgo Biloba
  6. Ingefær
  7. Vannmelon
  8. Sitrusfrukter
  9. Havre
  10. Mørke sjokolader
  11. Avokado
  12. Laks

1. Bjørnebær

Du vil trenge

1 kopp bjørnebær

Hva du må gjøre

Spis en liten kopp bjørnebær daglig.

Hvorfor dette fungerer

Regelmessig forbruk av bjørnebær er en av de beste måtene å forbedre blodsirkulasjonen. Disse bærene er en rik kilde til forskjellige næringsstoffer som stimulerer dannelsen av nye blodceller og renser blodet ditt (1).

2. Nøtter

Du vil trenge

En liten kopp mandler og valnøtter

Hva du må gjøre

Spis en liten bolle med rå mandler og nøtter på daglig basis.

Hvorfor dette fungerer

Blant nøtter, mandler og valnøtter er de beste innsatsene dine for å øke blodsirkulasjonen. Begge er rike kilder til antioksidanter som forbedrer blodtilførselen ved å utvide blodårene (2).

3. Hvitløk

Du vil trenge

Hakket hvitløksfedd

Hva du må gjøre
  1. Tilsett rå hakket hvitløk til din favorittrett og konsumere daglig.
  2. Du kan også tygge på hvitløksfedd direkte.
Hvorfor dette fungerer

Garlic contains allicin, which has powerful antioxidant properties that purify your blood and enhance blood supply and circulation. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in your body (3).

4. Cayenne Pepper

You Will Need

Raw or powdered cayenne pepper

What You Have To Do

Add fresh or powdered cayenne pepper to your favorite salads and dishes and consume daily.

Why This Works

Cayenne pepper improves the functioning of the blood vessels and reinforces your arteries. This is mainly due to its stimulating medicinal properties (4).

5. Ginkgo Biloba

You Will Need
  • 1 teaspoon of ginkgo biloba tea
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • Honey
What You Have To Do
  1. Add a teaspoon of ginkgo biloba tea to a cup of hot water.
  2. Steep for 5 to 10 minutes and strain.
  3. Add some honey to it and consume immediately.
Why This Works

Ginkgo biloba contains flavonoids and terpenoids that render it most of its medicinal properties. Flavonoids are potent antioxidants that protect your body, including your heart and blood vessels, from free radical damage. The terpenoids in ginkgo biloba are responsible for dilating the blood vessels and improving blood circulation (5).

6. Ginger

You Will Need

Minced ginger

What You Have To Do

Consume freshly minced ginger daily by adding it to flavor your dishes and salads.

Why This Works

Ginger not only treats digestion and nausea but is also a great option for improving blood circulation (6). The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of ginger purify your blood and protect your body from free radical damage (7).

7. Watermelon

You Will Need

A bowl of cut watermelon

What You Have To Do

Consume a bowl of cut watermelon daily.

Why This Works

The lycopene in watermelons helps enhance blood circulation due to its antioxidant properties (8).

8. Citrus Fruits

You Will Need

Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits

What You Have To Do

Consume a portion of citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and limes on a daily basis.

Why This Works

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant. They also have strong anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation within the body. A combination of these properties helps in purifying your blood and enhancing circulation (9).

9. Oats

You Will Need

1 bowl of cooked oats

What You Have To Do
  1. Consume a bowl of cooked oats daily.
  2. You can also blend oats with your favorite smoothie and consume it.
Why This Works

Oats can work wonders in improving blood circulation throughout your body. They possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help dilate your blood vessels and protect your body from free radical damage (10), (11).

10. Dark Chocolate

You Will Need

A small bar of dark chocolate

What You Have To Do

Consume a small bar of dark chocolate daily.

Why This Works

Dark chocolates are a rich source of cocoa, which contains flavonoids that have high antioxidant potential and enhance blood flow (12), (13).

11. Avocados

You Will Need

A small bowl of cut avocados

What You Have To Do
  1. Add some cut avocados to your favorite salad and consume daily.
  2. Alternatively, you can also blend some avocado with milk to make a refreshing smoothie.
Why This Works

Avocados are rich sources of an amino acid called L-carnitine, which boosts metabolism, promotes fat loss, and increases blood circulation, especially in your brain (14).

12. Salmon

You Will Need

1 portion of salmon

What You Have To Do

Consume a portion of marinated and cooked salmon every few days.

Why This Works

Salmon is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that possess anti-inflammatory properties and boost the antioxidant potential of your heart (15), (16). This helps enhance your cardiovascular health and increases blood circulation.

Other Natural Ways To Increase Blood Circulation In The Body

  1. Essential Oils
  2. Massage
  3. Exercises And Yoga
  4. Acupressure
  5. Avoid Drinking Alcohol
  6. Keep Yourself Hydrated

1. Essential Oils

a. Ginger Oil

You Will Need
  • 12 drops of ginger oil
  • 30 mL of any carrier oil (coconut or olive oil)
What You Have To Do
  1. Add 12 drops of ginger essential oil to 30 mL of any carrier oil.
  2. Mix well and massage this mixture all over your body for 2 to 5 minutes.
  3. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then take a bath.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this 2 to 3 times a week.

Why This Works

Ginger essential oil contains a compound called zingibain, which exhibits powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation within and outside your body and fight free radical damage (17), (18). This ultimately results in improved blood circulation.

b. Eucalyptus Oil

You Will Need
  • 12 drops of eucalyptus oil
  • 30 mL of any carrier oil (coconut or olive oil)
What You Have To Do
  1. Add 12 drops of eucalyptus oil to 30 mL of any carrier oil and mix well.
  2. Gently massage this mixture all over your body.
  3. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and then take a shower.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this 2 to 3 times a week.

Why This Works

Massaging is a great way to stimulate blood flow, and when essential oils are involved, the effects are multiplied. Eucalyptus oil contains eucalyptol that helps in dilating your blood vessels, thereby improving blood flow in your body (19).

2. Massage

A full body massage using any carrier oil is a great and widely accepted method to increase the circulation of blood throughout your body (20), (21). Improved blood flow also promotes healing and wellness. You may opt for professional or therapeutic massage therapy for added benefits.

3. Exercises And Yoga

Certain exercises and yoga poses can also aid in improving your blood circulation. Given below are a few:


a. Walking

How It Helps

Walking, being a cardiac exercise, can get blood pumping throughout your body.


20 to 30 minutes

b. Weight Training

How It Helps

Lifting weights not only helps in building muscles but also boosts blood flow and improves your cardiovascular health.


12 to 15


a. Deep Breathing

How It Helps

As surprising as it sounds, a session of concentrated deep breathing can help increase your blood flow. When you breathe deeply, your muscles are relaxed. This, in turn, helps dilate the blood vessels, which helps improve blood circulation.



b. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Improve Blood Circulation - Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Improve Blood Circulation - Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

How It Helps

The Mountain Pose improves blood circulation by increasing the elasticity of the blood vessels.


Hold this pose for 2 to 5 minutes.

c. Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Improve Blood Circulation - Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
Improve Blood Circulation - Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
How It Helps

The Chair Pose helps to stretch your body and promotes blood flow to all organs.


Hold this pose for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

d. Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall Pose)

Improve Blood Circulation - Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall Pose)
Improve Blood Circulation - Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall Pose)
How It Helps

This is one of the best exercises to increase blood circulation as it promotes blood flow to the lower extremities of your body.


Hold this pose for 5 to 15 minutes

[Read: Types Of Yoga – Which One Is Best For You?]

4. Acupressure

Improve Blood Circulation - Acupressure
Improve Blood Circulation - Acupressure

Acupressure is a therapy that involves massaging certain acupoints on the foot. This is known to strengthen your immune system and improve blood circulation throughout your body (22).

5. Avoid Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol consumption can affect the natural circulation of blood. Therefore, you need to avoid drinking alcohol to make the other methods more effective.

6. Keep Yourself Well Hydrated

Drink enough water and keep yourself well hydrated to enhance the blood flow throughout your body.

You can easily combat poor blood circulation with the help of the foods and remedies listed in this article. Also, keep in mind that a few healthy lifestyle choices and changes are all it takes to enhance your blood flow and fight any complications. Did this article address all your queries? Let us know via the comments section.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

What happens if you stop the blood circulation in your hand or other body parts?

When you cut off the blood supply to your hands or legs, they will go numb in a few minutes due to the absence of oxygen in the neurons. This will further result in the absence of any sensation, and your hands or legs may also turn blue.

How long does it take to improve blood circulation?

Poor blood circulation may lead to adverse health effects later in life. Hence, it is necessary to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly to maintain proper blood circulation.

What vitamins should I take to improve blood circulation?

You may increase your intake of foods rich in vitamins B, C, and E like milk, eggs, cheese, poultry, citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, soy, and nuts to improve blood circulation.


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