Hva Er Brønnkarse Bra For? 8 Imponerende Fordeler


Video: Hva Er Brønnkarse Bra For? 8 Imponerende Fordeler

Video: Hva Er Brønnkarse Bra For? 8 Imponerende Fordeler
Video: HUSET DITT BØR VÆRE DET SAMME! Et moderne hus med svømmebasseng | Vakre hus, hus tur 2024, Kan
Hva Er Brønnkarse Bra For? 8 Imponerende Fordeler
Hva Er Brønnkarse Bra For? 8 Imponerende Fordeler

Brønnkarse er en korsblomstrende grønnsak. Som de andre grønnsakene i familien, er brønnkarse et kraftverk for forskjellige næringsstoffer. Noen mener til og med at det var en stift i dietten til romerske soldater.

Brønnkarse er fylt med potente polyfenoler som renser frie radikaler og bekjemper kronisk sykdom (1). Faktisk kan det være blant de sunneste matene du kan legge til i kostholdet ditt. I dette innlegget har vi diskutert de forskjellige måtene brønnkarse kan fremme og pleie din helse og velvære.


  • Hva er næringsprofilen til brønnkarse?
  • Hva er helsemessige fordeler med brønnkarse?
  • Hvordan innlemme brønnkarse i kostholdet ditt
  • Hva er de potensielle bivirkningene av brønnkarse?

Hva er næringsprofilen til brønnkarse?

Brønnkarse er en næringstett grønnsak. De amerikanske sentrene for sykdomskontroll og forebygging rangerer vannkress på topp 1 på listen over kraftverkfrukt og grønnsaker (2).

En kopp vannkress (34 gram) inneholder bare 4 kalorier. Den inneholder vitamin K (hele 106% av RDA), vitamin C (24% av RDA) og vitamin A (22% av RDA). De andre næringsstoffene denne grønnsaken tilbyr, er oppført i tabellen nedenfor.

Næringsstoff Enhet 1 verdi per 100 g 1 kopp hakket = 34,0 g 1 kvist = 2,5 g 10,0 kvist = 25,0 g
Vann g 95.11 32.34 2.38 23.78
Energi kcal 11 4 0 3
Protein g 2.3 0,78 0,06 0,57
Total lipid (fett) g 0,1 0,03 0 0,03
Karbohydrat, etter forskjell g 1.29 0,44 0,03 0,32
Fiber, total kosthold g 0,5 0,2 0 0,1
Sukker, totalt g 0,2 0,07 0,01 0,05
mg 120 41 3 30
Jern, Fe mg 0,2 0,07 0,01 0,05
Magnesium, Mg mg 21 7 1 5
Fosfor, P mg 60 20 2 15
Kalium, K mg 330 112 8 82
Natrium, Na mg 41 14 1 10
Sink, Zn mg 0,11 0,04 0 0,03
mg 43 14.6 1.1 10.8
Thiamin mg 0,09 0,031 0,002 0,022
Riboflavin mg 0,12 0,041 0,003 0,03
Niacin mg 0,2 0,068 0,005 0,05
Vitamin B-6 mg 0,129 0,044 0,003 0,032
Folat, DFE µg 9 3 0 2
Vitamin A, RAE µg 160 54 4 40
Vitamin A, IE IU 3191 1085 80 798
E-vitamin (alfa-tokoferol) mg 1 0,34 0,03 0,25
K-vitamin (fylokinon) µg 250 85 6.2 62.5

Kilde: USDA National Nutrient Database, Watercress, raw

Hva er helsemessige fordeler med brønnkarse?

Brønnkarse er rik på isotiocyanater som kan bidra til å forhindre kreft og øke immuniteten. Nitratene i grønnsaken fremmer hjertehelsen og kan også forbedre din fysiske ytelse. Andre næringsstoffer i denne grønnsaken kan bidra til å forhindre osteoporose og hjelpe diabetesbehandling.

1. Kan hjelpe kreftforebygging

Brønnkarse bekjemper de reaktive oksygenartene og hjelper dermed til forebygging av kreft. Cruciferous grønnsaker, inkludert brønnkarse, inneholder organiske svovelforbindelser og isotiocyanater som spiller en rolle i denne forbindelse (3).

Brønnkarse ble også funnet å undertrykke utviklingen av brystkreft. Dette kan tilskrives fenyletylisotiocyanat, en forbindelse i grønnsaken. Denne forbindelsen forstyrrer funksjonen til et protein som spiller en rolle i brystkreftutviklingen (4).

Denne forbindelsen ble også funnet å bidra til å forhindre lungekreft hos røykere (5). Brønnkarse ble også funnet å forsterke de terapeutiske effektene av kreftstrålebehandling (6).

Brønnkarse kan også spille en rolle i forebygging av kolorektal kreft. I en studie ble det funnet at en gruppe newzealandske befolkninger med høyt inntak av brønnkarse hadde lave frekvenser av kolorektal kreft (7).

2. Kan fremme hjertehelse

Kan fremme hjertehelse
Kan fremme hjertehelse

Rapporter antyder at næringstette grønnsaker, som brønnkarse, er mer sannsynlig å beskytte mennesker mot hjertesykdom (2). Studier viser at korsblomstrede grønnsaker generelt har kardiobeskyttende egenskaper (8).

Disse grønne bladgrønnsaker inneholder også nitrater, som fremmer hjertehelsen. Kostnitrater senker blodtrykksnivået og forhindrer blodplateaggregasjon. De forbedrer endotelfunksjonen og utøver ytelsen hos individer (9). Nitrater oppnår dette ved å redusere arteriell stivhet og tykkelse og deres betennelse (9).

I rotteundersøkelser kan vannkressekstrakter redusere nivået av total kolesterol, triglyserider og dårlig kolesterol (10). Flere menneskelige studier er imidlertid berettiget.

3. Kan hjelpe Diabetesbehandling

Det er ikke mye forskning som støtter denne påstanden. En studie sier imidlertid at brønnkarse kan ha en gunstig effekt på serumglukosenivået. Studien utført på diabetiske rotter fant at ekstrakter av brønnkarse kunne senke nivåene av både serumglukose og serumkolesterol. Disse effektene, hvis de replikeres hos mennesker, kan ha gunstige effekter på personer med diabetes (11).

Personer med diabetes har også en tendens til å ha høyere risiko for vaskulære lidelser, inkludert hypertensjon og nevropati. Nitrogenoksyd i brønnkarse kan bidra til å lindre dette (12).

Nitrogenoksydet kan også redusere risikoen for andre diabeteskomplikasjoner, som blindhet og amputasjoner i lemmer (12).

4. Kan fremme beinhelse

Rutin, a flavonoid found in watercress, was found to stimulate the formation of osteoblasts (cells that secrete the matrix for bone formation) (13). The vegetable was also found to stimulate bone mineralization, which is an important function to prevent osteoporosis.

The vitamin K in watercress also plays a major role in bone health. Deficiency of this nutrient has been linked to higher rates of osteoporosis and fractures (14).

5. May Boost Immune Function

In a study involving fish, watercress was found to boost immune function. The nutrients of watercress that contribute to its immune-boosting effects include vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, folic acid, iron, glucosinolates, and calcium (15).

Watercress showed similar effects in another study involving broilers. Including watercress in their diet could improve the performance and immune response of the broilers (16).

The vitamin C in the vegetable, in specific, also has beneficial effects on the immune system. 34 grams of watercress offers about 24% of the daily value of vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to boost immune function by promoting the production of white blood cells (17).

6. May Promote Athletic Performance

Kan fremme atletisk ytelse
Kan fremme atletisk ytelse

We have seen that watercress contains nitrates. There is some research that states that these nitrates may boost athletic performance. They relax your blood vessels and improve nitric oxide levels in the blood. This may promote athletic performance (18).

On the contrary, other research shows that watercress may have a negative impact on exercise performance (19). Hence, more research is warranted in this regard.

7. May Improve Skin Health

Watercress may help reduce skin inflammation. The use of watercress in the cutaneous inflammatory process treatment has been well documented. Interestingly, the use of watercress for treating skin inflammation may produce no adverse effects (as opposed to the conventional treatment methods) (20).

The vitamin A in watercress also contributes to skin health. It protects the skin cells from damage due to free radicals. The nutrient also boosts resistance to skin infections (21).

The isothiocyanates in watercress can prevent skin cancer too. These compounds interfere with malignant cells and restore normal cell function (22).

8. May Aid Weight Loss

Watercress is a nutrient-dense vegetable that is low in calories. Hence, one can include it in a weight loss diet. It would be a way of getting more nutrients with fewer calories.

Though there is no research citing the direct weight loss effects of watercress, you definitely can try including it in your weight loss diet.

Watercress is a humble veggie with an incredible nutrient profile. Including it in your regular diet would sure be a wise move. But how do you do it?

How To Incorporate Watercress Into Your Diet

Due to its tenderness, watercress sautés faster than most other greens. It also imparts a mild spice and tang to any dish it is added to. You can incorporate this veggie into your diet in the following ways:

  • Toss it into a salad. Include watercress in your evening vegetable salad. You can also eat it along with a delectable dash of pepper.
  • Add it to your wrap or sandwich. You can complement this with grilled cheese.
  • Add it your breakfast omelet or egg scramble.
  • Include watercress in your morning vegetable juice.

There is nothing that should stop you from eating watercress every day. But before you do that, you ought to know the potential adverse effects this vegetable may cause.

What Are The Potential Side Effects Of Watercress?

May Interfere With Thyroid Health

Most cruciferous vegetables, including watercress, contain compounds called goitrogens that may interfere with iodine metabolism. Iodine is a nutrient essential for thyroid health, and this interference may cause thyroid issues (23).

Individuals with thyroid issues may have to limit their intake of watercress (and other cruciferous vegetables) and consult their doctor.

May Aggravate Kidney Disease

Watercress contains potassium, though only in low amounts. Excess potassium may aggravate kidney disease (24). If you are dealing with kidney issues, please check with your doctor before adding watercress to your diet. Your doctor may suggest you limit consumption and even advice you on the right dosage.

Insufficient Information On Its Effects During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

There is less information available on the safety of watercress during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Hence, please check with your doctor before you include the vegetable in your diet.


Now we know why watercress was a staple in the diets of Roman soldiers. Its potent antioxidants may keep diseases at bay and promote athletic performance. Adding it to your diet is quite simple. Be wary of its adverse effects, though.

Do tell us how you have liked this article. Anything else about watercress you want to know? Let us know by leaving a comment in the box below.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

What is the right dosage of watercress?

The right dosage of watercress depends on the user’s health condition, age, and other factors. There is little information on the appropriate dosage of watercress. Your doctor can guide you better.

Can you eat watercress raw?

Yes, you can eat watercress raw, but it may taste a little bitter. You can toss raw watercress into your vegetable salad.

Can you freeze fresh watercress?

Yes, you can freeze fresh watercress. This works best if you use the veggie in a soup or a smoothie or any other cooked recipe.

Can you eat the watercress stalks?

Ja. Faktisk er hele planten spiselig. Du kan spise bladene, stilkene og til og med plantens blomster. Du kan imidlertid forkaste røttene, siden de ikke smaker godt.

Hvordan smaker brønnkarse?

Rå brønnkarse har en pepperaktig smak. Når du er kokt, får du nyte den særegne vegetabilske smaken.

24 kilder

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  • Fenolprofil og antioksidantpotensial for villkarse (Nasturtium officinale L.), SpringerPlus, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Defining Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables: A Nutrient Density Approach, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • Role of reactive oxygen intermediates in cellular responses to dietary cancer chemopreventive agents, Planta Medica, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Watercress may ‘turn off’ breast cancer signal, ScienceDaily.


  • Effects of watercress consumption on metabolism of a tobacco-specific lung carcinogen in smokers, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, & Prevention, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Metabolic targets of watercress and PEITC in MCF-7 and MCF-10A cells explain differential sensitisation responses to ionising radiation, European Journal of Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • A Comparison of Risk and Protective Factors for Colorectal Cancer in the Diet of New Zealand Maori and non-Maori, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • The effect of green leafy and cruciferous vegetable intake on the incidence of cardiovascular disease: A meta-analysis, JRSM Cardiovascular Disease, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Vascular effects of dietary nitrate (as found in green leafy vegetables and beetroot) via the nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide pathway, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effect of hydroalcoholic extracts of Nasturtium officinale leaves on lipid profile in high-fat diet rats, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effects of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Watercress (Nasturtium Officinale) Leaves on Serum Glucose and Lipid Levels in Diabetic Rats, Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Say NO to disease, Oregon State University.


  • Effects of Watercress Containing Rutin and Rutin Alone on the Proliferation and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Osteoblast-like MG-63 Cells, The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Vitamin K and bone, Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effects of Watercress (Nasturtium nasturtium) extract on selected immunological parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Open Veterinary Journal, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effect of Watercress (Nasturtium officinale L.) powder on performance and immune response of broilers, ResearchGate.


  • Technical advance: ascorbic acid induces development of double-positive T cells from human hematopoietic stem cells in the absence of stromal cells, Journal of Leukocyte Biology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Nitrate ingestion: a review of the health and physical performance effects, Nutrients, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Moderate dose of watercress and red radish does not reduce oxygen consumption during graded exhaustive exercise, Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Nasturtium officinale R. Br. effectively reduces the skin inflammation induced by croton oil via glucocorticoid receptor-dependent and NF-κB pathways without causing toxicological effects in mice, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • What Do Specific Foods Do? University of Minnesota.


  • From chemo-prevention to epigenetic regulation: The role of isothiocyanates in skin cancer prevention, Pharmacology & Therapeutics, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effekter av diettterapi med lite karbohydrat hos overvektige personer med autoimmun thyroiditt: mulig synergisme med ChREBP, Drug Design, Development and Therapy, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Kalium og CKD-dietten din, National Kidney Foundation.



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